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About Chic

Piper Chic London

I'm a very proud ex piper with the world renowned Black Watch 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders  Regiment of Scotland.

As a bagpipe player with more than 46 years experience, I guess you could say I've seen quite a bit of life.

Joining the Black Watch in 1972, I studied under Pipe Major James Anderson, moving quickly into the role of training all the Battalion Pipers. I progressed to further advanced training at Edinburgh Castle under two more mentors; Captain Andrew Pitkeathly and Pipe Major Angus Macdonald of the Scots Guards.  

I won the Battalion Senior Pipers Competition and was presented my medal and trophies by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. A very proud moment.

On leaving the Black Watch in 1984, I formed The Harwich and District Pipe and Drums and there followed membership of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association (RSPBA) to enable us to compete nationally and globally. We were very happy to get placed in the World Pipe Band Championships and asked to play at the Queens Diamond Jubilee.

My piping career has never stopped, I  have worked in the Harrods Pipe Band and was Pipe Major at HM Tower of London, where I received the Constables Commendation for valuable and meritorious service.

In 2008 I was based in Qatar where I was Senior Piping Instructor to the Qatar Military Music School.


With the aid of my trusty bagpipes, I've been fortunate to travel to many countries and play at some of the world's most prestigious regimental events. TV appearances have also been plenty. I've been thrilled to appear on many TV shows including , Good Morning Britain, The Tracy Ullman Show, Loose Women and The Royal Albert Hall Festival Of Remembrance with the Band of The Household Division.

In an effort to keep the bagpipes alive, I also make time to teach anyone who'd like to learn the ancient and glorious art of piping.​  The final string to my bow is giving guest talks to organisations like the Women's Institute and the Rotary Club.  

I'd be very happy to play at your event and bring the magic and majesty of the pipes to you and your guests.

Get in touch any time.

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